Privacy Statement

We are Robinson Moore & Associates. We’re a company registered in England and Wales with company number 11731650, whose registered address is at 28 Lincoln Avenue, Alvaston. Derby. DE24 8QX. In this privacy notice we will refer to ourselves as ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’. 

You can contact us by emailing 

We take the privacy, including the security, of personal information we hold about you seriously. This privacy notice is designed to inform you about how we collect personal information about you and how we use that personal information. You should read this privacy notice carefully so that you know and can understand why and how we use the personal information we collect and hold about you.

We collect information about you for the purposes of producing the services you have ordered. To do this, we will need to contact you by email or over the phone. We may keep your details, if you consent, for our own marketing purposes. We never pass on client details and all information is stored securely.

We do not have a Data Protection Officer, but if you have any questions about this privacy notice or issues arising from it then you should contact Dr Peter Robinson, who is responsible for matters relating to data protection at our organisation, including any matters in this privacy notice. You can contact them using the details set out above.